Sunday, February 23, 2020

Annual Election General Body on 08-Mar-2020

Parish Election General Body to elect 20-21 parish office bearers and committee members will be held on Sunday, 08-Mar-20 after Holy Qurbana.
Holy Confession from 21-Feb to 29-Feb-2020 up to 7:30 PM.
Jacob K Philip, as announced in the Church

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Harvest Festival-2020 on Sunday, 23-Feb-20 after Holy Qurbana

Harvest Festival of our Parish is on Sunday, 23-Feb-2020 after Holy Qurbana.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Parish Annual Convention-2020 of our Church from 3Jan to 5Jan

Our Parish Annual Convention shall be held from 3-Jan to 5-Jan-20 (during the 3-Day Lent ) at our Church.

Diocesan Convention Mega Event on 02-Feb-20

Bombay Orthodox Convention will be held at Vashi on Sunday, 02-Feb-20.

Combined Annual Day of Spiritual Organisations 2020 on 02Feb20

Combined Annual Day of Spiritual Organisations (Sunday School, Marthamariyam Samajam, AMOS, MGOCSM) is on 02-Feb-2020 after Holy Qurbana.